Keep smiling, keep shining, in good times AND bad times…

Did you know that the muscles in your face associated with a smile can fool your brain into thinking that you are happy, even when you are not. Most of us won’t feel like smiling much at the moment, but nonetheless I urge you to keep smiling, especially during times like these, and here is why.

When you contract your facial muscles to crack a smile, your brain receives a signal that you are smiling. In response, it releases endorphins. Endorphins are (completely legal) opioids, your body’s own painkillers that are released in times of stress. The thing is, physiologically, your body does not make a difference between a real and a fake smile, as long as those facial muscles are activated.

So, even if you don’t particularly feel like smiling today, do persist! And remember, you can always fake it ‘till you make it!

Go on, take one for the (endorphins) team today! Fake or real, entirely your choice!

Keep smiling, keep shining

In good times AND bad times