The perfect Number 2 …

Have you ever wondered if what comes out of your bottom is normal? Or what the perfect poo should look like? Well, wonder no more… because there is an app for that. No, just kidding, no there is not (as far as I know anyway). But before apps, there were charts. And today I proudly present you with: The Bristol Stool Chart!

The Bristol Stool Chart is a medical aid to classify stools otherwise known as poos or faeces, into 7 categories. The texture of your poo can give you valuable information about your bowel health.

It can indicate whether you may be dehydrated (Type 1 or 2) or if you could do with more fibre in your diet (Type 5). Type 6 and 7 can indicate inflammation in your bowel.

So, the bottom line is, it really pays to have a quick look at what comes out down there. If you are looking for the perfect poo, like Goldielocks, you want it not too soft and not too hard, but just right.

And just right for a number 2 is in fact a number 3 or 4!