A Road Trip in the Times of Coronavirus

A Short Story from North Wales by Yours Truly

“Are we there yet?” – How many times have you heard that question being shouted from the back seat of your car during a long journey?

“Not yet” or “nearly” or “soon”, would no doubt have been your little white lie reply just because you couldn’t bear breaking their little hearts. The truth was, you still had a fair way to go.

Well, what can I say? This is one hell of a road trip! We have been coped up in our car together now for what seems an eternity. Yes, we get some fresh air by opening the window and occasionally get out to stretch our legs, but this simply isn’t the road trip we had in mind or signed up for.

We haven’t gone far, but managed to run out of emotional and physical fuel on many an occasion. We had full breakdowns and engine failures on-route, even managed to injure ourselves by trying to fix stuff we don’t understand. The AA mechanic never came because he, too, had broken down with his family on their own road trip.

And so had the old lady in her little Nissan next door. She was on her own with a flat battery. We didn’t really know her before our road trip but now we do because we managed to turbocharge her again. It didn’t take much, turns out she is lonely, turns out she genuinely liked our humble attempts at home baking and enjoyed a distanced chat over a cup of tea.

And so, for now, we all keep on driving. Slow. Different cars but just the same. No one is driving home for Christmas but we are all looking at the driver next to us. Because these are our neighbours, because we ARE already home.

And, anyway, the inspirational quotes always go on about how the journey is more important than the destination.

So this road trip might not be so bad after all …
we are nearly there yet, are we?